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пятница, 1 ноября 2019 г.


Follow the link to read and listen to the poem "November" by by Edward Thomas, an Anglo-Welsh writer (1878 – 1917):

Find adjectives and adverbs in the text and define their degrees of comparison.

вторник, 29 октября 2019 г.

First degree courses in the UK

The UK has an excellent reputation for higher education and research. It offers a lot of opportunities to both national and international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
The degrees vary according to the practice of each university.
First degrees after leaving school are often called undergraduate. Arts, social science and pure science degrees normally last 3 or 4 years because they are designed to follow a very specialized school-leaving qualification. Traditionally university graduates will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine etc.
Later they may continue to take graduate or postgraduate courses. There is a another higher educational qualification in the UK, known as the Higher National Diploma or HND. It lasts a year less than a degree course – either two full-time or three years as a sandwich course.
HNDs are vocational (or job related), so a student will not find them in purely academic subjects as history or philosophy. They are available in, for example, science subjects, engineering, business studies, hospitality and tourism management.

Comment what do you think?
 Would you like to study abroad?
What degrees are awarded in Russian universities? 

понедельник, 28 октября 2019 г.

Misspelled Words

Misspelled Words

Having difficulty spelling certain words? Spelling book is the place for you to master your knowledge of English spelling, and never repeat those mistakes again!

You can choose a word wich spelling you want to remember, look through its definition and then try to make up a sentence with it. Using Ginger you will find out if your spelling or understanding of the word is right.n

пятница, 25 октября 2019 г.

The American education system

Complete the paragraph with the words : it , the former,  that (3),  this, they, the latter, who, which (2) such as.

The American education system requires that students complete 12 years of primary and secondary education before they attend university or college. …(1) may be accomplished either at public schools, or at private schools. …(2) are usually supported and financed by state and municipal governments, while …(3) are operated privately.

Numerous American colleges, schools and universities offer programs …(4) lead to a variety of degrees. …(5) include an associate degree …(6) is given upon completion of a 2-year programme and a bachelor’s degree …(7) normally requires at least four years of full-time college-level coursework. For those college graduates …(8) want to advance their careers higher education institutions offer advanced degrees …(9) a master’s degree or doctorate (also known as PhD) degree.

The master’s degree typically requires two years of full-time graduate school coursework to complete. Unlike students pursuing a bachelor’s degree, students in a master’s degree program will complete courses … (10) are highly focused in their field of study (major) so the students must have already decided on the major before applying to a master’s degree program.

The PhD degree is even more focused and specialized than the master’s degree. Some students will complete a master’s degree before applying to a doctorate degree prog-ram, but …(11) is not always necessary. Completion of a doctorate degree typically takes between three and six years but a student with a master’s degree may take less time to complete his PhD if …(12) is in the same field

среда, 16 октября 2019 г.

Way To Success

Studying at university makes very different demands on you compared with school. In higher education the focus is on you: you're given much more responsibility for your studies, you will be expected to study on your own much more than you may have been used to as well as the scope of study is much wider than you have been used to.
To help you achieve better results in your studies do some self exploratory work.
Your task is to come to understanding of your learning strong and weak points and of your own way of learning.


  1. What is multiple intelligence? 
  2. What types of multiple intelligence are defined? 
  3. What personality type/types do you belong to? 
  4. Have you learnt new things about yourself? 
  5. Why is it important to be aware of your personality type? 
  6. How will this affect you and your studies? 
  7. Which of the practical suggestions do you find the most useful/possible to follow?

суббота, 12 октября 2019 г.

My day

  1.  Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o'clock. After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes me about 20 minutes from my house to my school. Usually, I study at school until 11:30 a.m. I return home at noon to have lunch with my family. In the afternoon I attend English and computer courses. I always get home just in time for dinner at 7:30 p.m. After dinner, while my parents are watching television in the living-room, I read books or prepare for school in my own room.
  2. I am free at weekends. On Sunday mornings, I get up later than usual. Then I often go shopping downtown with my friends. Sometimes we go for a picnic in the countryside. On rainy Sundays, I stay at home reading books and listening to music.
  3. I am quite happy with my daily activities.

Озаглавите текст:
My daily activities
Daily Activities at Work
Daily Activities at Home

Определитеявляется ли утверждение “The author is happy to prepare the homework with the parents” верным (‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not in text’).

Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3) соответствует следующая информация: In evenings the author reads books.

понедельник, 7 октября 2019 г.

British English vs American English

Some students ask questions about differences between between the British accent and North American accent. Watch a video and compare.

Are you sure this water is pure?
The bar is quite far, we need a car.
The first year you learn a lot of words by heart.
There were four more birds this morning.
Last week I cut my ass on some glass in the bath, so I asked for plaster.
My new secretary is so stupid! She had to look up "inventory" in the dictionary!

Comment what variant of English do you prefer to learn and why?

четверг, 3 октября 2019 г.

понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.


Cambridge, US is a unique community with a strong mix of cultural and social diversity and technological innovation. Its “Squares” are rich in various international restaurants and cafes as well as unique shopping, theatres, museums, and historic sites.
Located between the academic centers of Harvard and MIT, Central Square is the seat of City government and is home to a rich variety of music clubs, book shops, restaurants and clothing stores. It’s about a 12 minute walk from Kendall Square, which is the home to MIT and the heart of Massachusetts’ high tech and biotechnology industries.
The main site of the MIT is located along the left bank of the Charles River. This provides a wonderful view of the Boston area. Parking in Cambridge can be expensive and hard to find so use public transportation to get to the MIT campus.
The Tech shuttle and Safe Ride shuttle provide free transportation around the MIT. But the latter runs only on weekdays.
(Adapted from http://www.cambridge-usa.org/)

 Take notes under the headings below.

  • Location 
  • Transport

пятница, 27 сентября 2019 г.

My biography

Write down a short CV using words and wordcombinations:

My name is
to be born in a small town (big city, a village)
my parents
to be a judge (a doctor, a teacher, an economist …)
at the age of
to attend school
to receive marks
my favourite subjects
to finish school
to enter an institute
to be a first (second …) year student
to pass the entrance exams
to be interested in
to take an active part in
to deal with the problems
to work at
to make a report at
to be a member of
the student’s Scientific society
the conference devoted to
to graduate from.

четверг, 26 сентября 2019 г.

Useful phrases with a verb 'to make'

If we want to say that someone or something causes us to be in a particular state or to change to another state we use verb to make:

This film always makes me cry.

The smell of fish makes me feel ill.

The weather is gloomy today . It is raining and this makes me sleepy.
Are you sleepy cause of rain today? Does the weather influence you and make you sad?

What is it to be a student

 College is just the beginning of a lifelong learning journey. With the rapid advancement of technology, changes in economy and society, you must adapt a learning mindset if you want to succeed. The key to lifelong earning is lifelong learning.

 As you embark on this path, strive always to be a student. Be open to new ideas and information, and be able to adapt. These are essential skills for the new world of work. Some benefits of becoming a lifelong learner are:

  • increased self-confidence when approaching new tasks or ideas; 
  • better decision-making and problem-solving skills;
  • the ability to adapt and change with the times; 
  • greater personal satisfaction;
  • higher pay and more employment opportunities

Comment on the saying “Keep learning, keep earning!”. Does it always hold true? 

вторник, 24 сентября 2019 г.

Idiom : to burn the candle at both ends

There is an easy idiom about working hard. Try to remember it.

Are there any idioms in your language with the same meaning?

Do you know any idioms with word 'свеча' in Russian?

понедельник, 9 сентября 2019 г.

Word building

We use suffixes -or/-er/-ist/-ician to form new words with meaning of a person who does something:
originate (v) давать начало - originator (n) автор, инициатор: Who is the originator of his plan?
create (v)  творить, создавать  - creator (n) творец, создатель (one who create): Einstein was the creator  of the theory of relativity.
biology(n) биология - biologist (n) биолог: The first biologist who saw a live cell with a microscope was Antony van Leeuwenhoek, in 1674.
reality (n) действительность– realist (n) реалист: I'm a realist – I knew there was no way I could win.
mathematics (n) математика – mathematician(n) математик: He worked as mathematician at this University.

1. Translate, paying attention to the suffixes:

lawyer, adviser, dreamer, thinker, teacher, doctor, investigator.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words:
criminologist, scientist, militarist, artist, biologist, idealist, theorist, terrorist.

3. Translate the following Russian words into English:

пианист, филолог, финалист, психолог.

пятница, 6 сентября 2019 г.

Much and many

This video is for the first-year students.
We have started learning a new Unit, so we have to know some grammar material. 

This video is about differences between using of the words "much" and "many".The words to understand the video properly: countable - исчисляемое, uncountable - неисчисляемое.

четверг, 5 сентября 2019 г.

111 mistakes in English spelling

Известно, что английское правописание отличается особой сложностью. Написание многих слов нужно просто запомнить наизусть.

Стелла Коттрел приводит следующие английские слова, с правописании которых англичане чаще всего допускают ошибки. Думаю, что этот список можно использовать для самопроверки.

Приведенные английские слова мы используем достаточно часто в самых разных областях жизни.

A - accessible, accessory, accommodation, across, acquaintance, acquiesce, acquire, address, aggressive, all right, amateur, analogy, analyse (Can you analyse this data?), analysis (Make an analysis of the facts), appendices, appropriate, argument.
B - belief (my belief), believe (I believe), beneficial, benefited, business.
C - catalogue, category, changeable, commitment, committed, committee, conscientious, conscious, criticism.
D - deferred, definite, definitely, discriminatory.
E - equipped, embarrass, exaggerate, excellent, existence.
F - February, focused, focusing, foreign, forty, fourten, fulfil, fulfilled.
G - gauge, government, grateful, guarantee.
H - height, honorary, humorous.
I - immediately, immovable, inconsistent, independent, irresponsible.
L - laboratory, liaise, lose (I don’t want to lose my bag), loose (The knot is too loose).
M - maintenance, manageable, manoeuvre, miscellaneous.
N - naive, necessary, negligible, noticeable.
O - occasionally, occur, occurred, omission, omitted.
P - parallel, privileged, probably, procedure, professional, psychological.
R - receipt, receive, recommend, referred, relevant, repetition, reputation, resistant.
S - scene, secretary, separate, similar, skilful, skilfully, social, successfully, syllabus, synthesis (It was a good synthesis), synthesise (He synthesised the main point).
T - technicality, temporary, theoretical, through.
U - unnecessary, until, usually.
V - veterinary.

Comment the words you often misspell.

вторник, 3 сентября 2019 г.

Useful phrase : to make a decision

What is the difference between make decision and take decision?

This is simply regional variation, with no difference in meaning.

  • The phrase "making a decision" is the more common phrase. It can refer to the actual moment where a course of action is chosen (and just that moment), but also sometimes to the whole process leading up to it (where one might undertake research, have discussions, think and so on, in order to prepare oneself for the decision itself): "The committee took several months to make a decision."
  • The phrase "taking a decision", by contrast, only refers to the decisive moment itself, and not to the process leading up to it. It has more formal connotation, and an implication that the decision will have serious consequences, and that the person deciding will be responsible for them; it has a sense of finality about it.

Some examples may help clarify:
  • I haven't made a decision about where to go on holiday. (Informal, consequences not serious, nobody's going to hold me to account.)
  • The president took the decision to invade Elbonia.
  • Bob was fired because he took the decision to outsource the call centre to Mars.
  • The decision-making process took a number of weeks: the engineers did the research and made recommendations, but it was the manager who took the final decision.
We make decisions every single day. As we explore in this video, you'll see that some decisions are simple, others are more complex.

What are your typs for making decisions? Please, comment below...

понедельник, 26 августа 2019 г.

Everyday English : At the Hotel

Do you have the skills to enter a hotel and book a room?
Look at the conversation and practice booking a room in a hotel.

Front Desk: Welcome to the Wyatt Hotel. How may I help you?
Traveler: I'd like a room please?
Front Desk: Would you like a single or a double?
Traveler: I'd like a double, please?
Front Desk: May I have your name, please?
Traveler: Timothy Findley.
Front Desk: Could you spell that please?
Traveler: F-I-N-D-L-E-Y.
Front Desk: How many are in your party?
Traveler: Just two.
Front Desk: How many nights would you like to stay?
Traveler: Just tonight.
Front Desk: How will you be paying?
Traveler: Is Visa OK?
Front Desk: That'll be fine. Would you like a wake-up call?
Traveler: Yes, I'd like a wake-up call for 6:30. Do you have a pool?
Front desk: Yes, we do. On the 2nd floor. Here's your key. That room 405 on the fourth floor.

Comment what are traveler's requests to a front desk clerk

воскресенье, 26 мая 2019 г.

Idiom : Cold Turkey

Quite every person has bad habits. And stopping that bad habits is a very difficult process.
Sometimes even medical help is needed.

The meaning of the English idiom "Cold Turkey" is the period of extreme suffering that comes immediately after a person has stopped taking a drug.

Cold turkey means to quit something abruptly and without preparation or fanfare. Presumably, the term echos the idea of a cold turkey dinner which is one that does not take a lot of preparation and is presented without fanfare.

What bad habits do you suppose to be the most harmful for teenagers? Leave a comment below please

пятница, 17 мая 2019 г.

Try to write an essay

Essay Structure
The structure of an essay is quite simple. Have you ever heard of the hamburger example? Your introduction is the top bun, your supporting paragraphs are the meat, and your conclusion is the bottom bun. Visualizing a hamburger is a good way to remember the correct order.

The introduction includes a hook that will get attention, a brief explanation of the essay’s subject, and finally your main point.
Generally, three paragraphs are expected. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that will introduce the single point you’ll be making to support your thesis. Make sure you give cited examples (citations may include the book, page number, author, website, etc. where you found this information). You can’t make arguments without evidence.
In your conclusion, you need to tie everything together and restate your thesis. A quote or interesting anecdote related to the essay topic is usually a safe bet. When you’re finished, make sure to reread your work, or have a parent read it, to ensure that there are no grammar or spelling mistakes.

понедельник, 13 мая 2019 г.

пятница, 3 мая 2019 г.

пятница, 26 апреля 2019 г.

Idiom : Tastes differ

Idiom Tastes differ has the meaning that different people like different things.

For Examle:

Fred: Bill always goes out with such stupid girls. I can't understand why. 

Alan: Tastes differ.

Below there is an episode:

What is Russian equivalent to this phrase?

воскресенье, 7 апреля 2019 г.

News: The World Health Day

The World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7th, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO).

In 1948, the WHO held the First World Health Assembly. The Assembly decided to celebrate 7th April of each year, with effect from 1950, as the World Health Day. The World Health Day is held to mark WHO's founding, and is seen as an opportunity by the organization to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health each year. The WHO organizes international, regional and local events on the Day related to a particular theme. Resources provided continue beyond 7 April, that is, the designated day for celebrating the World Health Day.

среда, 3 апреля 2019 г.

Useful phrase : to take a nap

Have a look and guess the meaning of the phrase 'to take a nap'

You can see what does it mean below:

Were there any funny situation when you took a nap (during a lesson, for example)? Please comment below

вторник, 26 марта 2019 г.

Idiom : It's a dog's life

Phrase "It's a dog's life" means that the life is difficult, unpleasant and wrecked.

According to yourdictionary.com this expression was first recorded in a 16th-century manuscript and alludes to the miserable subservient existence of dogs during this era. 

By the 1660s there was a proverb: “It's a dog's life, hunger and ease.” (More information about this phrase on www.wisegeek.com)

Are there any idioms in your language with the same meaning? Please, comment below...

суббота, 23 марта 2019 г.

Everyday English : An ideal house

A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends he spends his time with. I have got a two-room apartment in the center of the city. But all people dream about their own house with all conditions, so do I. The house of my dream must be a comfortable well-planned two-storeyed cottage. Not so large of course. It should be situated in a quite ecologically clean place or street.

I want a green lawn and flowers to be there in front of the house. There should be a lot of trees, a pond or a fountain. There must be a large kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a cosy sitting-room with a fireplace and big windows on the ground floor. There should be bedrooms with  bathrooms on the first floor, and somebody`s study upstairs. And I want my room to be in the garret, and a balcony with the beautiful view.I want my home to be the best place for meetings with my friends and relatives.

Comment what house would you like to have

среда, 13 марта 2019 г.

News: How to use emojis

Emoji is a ​digital ​image that is ​added to a ​message in ​electronic​ communication in ​order to ​express a ​particular ​idea or ​feeling.

But there is a large list of symbols we all are using wrong. There is Emojipedia, that expailns meanings of the symbols. 
Good piece of the information is given in the article Your guide on how to use emojis. Follow the link www.usatoday.com to read it.

Why is chocolate bad for animals?

here to read about and comment your answer