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понедельник, 9 сентября 2019 г.

Word building

We use suffixes -or/-er/-ist/-ician to form new words with meaning of a person who does something:
originate (v) давать начало - originator (n) автор, инициатор: Who is the originator of his plan?
create (v)  творить, создавать  - creator (n) творец, создатель (one who create): Einstein was the creator  of the theory of relativity.
biology(n) биология - biologist (n) биолог: The first biologist who saw a live cell with a microscope was Antony van Leeuwenhoek, in 1674.
reality (n) действительность– realist (n) реалист: I'm a realist – I knew there was no way I could win.
mathematics (n) математика – mathematician(n) математик: He worked as mathematician at this University.

1. Translate, paying attention to the suffixes:

lawyer, adviser, dreamer, thinker, teacher, doctor, investigator.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words:
criminologist, scientist, militarist, artist, biologist, idealist, theorist, terrorist.

3. Translate the following Russian words into English:

пианист, филолог, финалист, психолог.

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