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вторник, 29 октября 2019 г.

First degree courses in the UK

The UK has an excellent reputation for higher education and research. It offers a lot of opportunities to both national and international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
The degrees vary according to the practice of each university.
First degrees after leaving school are often called undergraduate. Arts, social science and pure science degrees normally last 3 or 4 years because they are designed to follow a very specialized school-leaving qualification. Traditionally university graduates will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine etc.
Later they may continue to take graduate or postgraduate courses. There is a another higher educational qualification in the UK, known as the Higher National Diploma or HND. It lasts a year less than a degree course – either two full-time or three years as a sandwich course.
HNDs are vocational (or job related), so a student will not find them in purely academic subjects as history or philosophy. They are available in, for example, science subjects, engineering, business studies, hospitality and tourism management.

Comment what do you think?
 Would you like to study abroad?
What degrees are awarded in Russian universities? 

7 комментариев:

  1. Commenting on the foregoing, I want to say that the UK has a well-developed hierarchy of scientific degrees. This has both pros and cons.
    Studying abroad is a good chance to build a career. It would also be good practice to learn a foreign language.
    In Russian universities there are the following degrees: bachelor, master, candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences.

  2. I think this is a pretty interesting education system. This method of preparing students has developed in the UK based on many years of experience.
    I think that it would be interesting for me to study abroad on such a system. That would be a good experience for me.
    The universities of our country are awarded bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.

  3. Ахмедова Марина 1ДБО 1Курс
    Education is an important part of our life. Many young people tend to get education abroad nowadays and this rush is gaining popularity at an amazing rate.

    The majority of students want to study in English-speaking countries and it is easy to understand why. Firstly, they can improve their foreign language skills. Secondly, knowing English at a good level gives plenty of job opportunities.
    In Russia such degrees are awarded bachelor, master, candidate and doctor of sciences.

  4. I think this is a pretty interesting education system. This method of preparing students has developed in the UK based on many years of experience.
    I think that it would be interesting for me to study abroad on such a system. That would be a good experience for me.
    The universities of our country are awarded bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.
    Шахбанова Хамис 1 курс 1 дбо ЮРИСПР

  5. Yes, undoubtedly Great Britain is famous for its educational institutions; the level of education that is given there; top-level teachers; used advanced technologies. And not only Great Britain, many countries of Europe, America, Asia can boast of this. But no matter what, I would not want to study abroad. This is due to the fact that I would not want to be far from my parents, relatives and relatives. Of course, a higher level of education abroad, but still I always wanted to study at home. In addition, Russia is in no way behind other advanced countries in the level of education. This is confirmed by more and more new discoveries in the field of science, medicine. And for this, various degrees are awarded in Russia.

    Омарова Асият, 1 курс 1 группа ДБО, Юриспруденция.

  6. 1.it is very interesting.we all know that in the UK ,as in many European countries, the education SYSTEM is well developed.The world is famous for such universities as Cambridge and Oxford
    2.studying abroad is a great way to learn the language,and to study in the European education system is very good
    3.In Russian universities there are the following degrees: bachelor, master, candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences.

  7. Education is better developed in some countries(in the UK in particular). Method of preparing students has developed in the UK based on many years of experience. Of course I would like to study abroad. Study abroad is very popular with the students of the departments of foreign languages and foreign relations. Such students need to practice the foreign languages. Russia’s present-day education system is based upon the Bologna principles and includes such levels of education as bachelor’s degree, specialist degree, master’s degree, postgraduate, clinical internship etc.
    Гасанов Гамид СЭ 1 курс 1 группа
