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пятница, 1 июня 2018 г.

The English language

The English language has become a global language today, dominating the world’s trade, computers and media. It is the language of businesspeople and scientists, politicians and diplomats, sportsmen and singers, doctors and students, pilots and musicians.
Learning English helps in talking to people, reading and writing, in understanding foreign music and foreign films. It opens up much a wide range of sources of information.
English is a language of communication between different peoples and countries. If you are interested in science, business, medicine, literature, music and you want to be up-to-date with progress in those fields, you can always raed the latest report in English and know the latest information about the questions you are interesting. English is a global language.
The problems of the 21st century such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, demographics, democracy and many others cannot be solved if people don’t speak English. It goes without saying that knowledge of English language helps to make a person educated and well-rounded. It’s a way of getting to know different cultures. English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person.

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