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понедельник, 3 декабря 2018 г.


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“The realistic view on future profession is very important”
 верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not in text’).

Most people spend a third of their lives at work and more time with their colleagues than with their families or friends. Therefore, it is important that people enjoy their work as much as possible: and enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

Choosing a profession is a whole process that begins with a dream and continues through education. In the life of every young person, there are always older people with a share of responsibility. Parents, friends and teachers can all have a big influence on a person's future choice of profession. 

When planning your future career, it is important to look at how realistic your choice is, to gather as much information as possible to have a full picture of what the job you want to do. Maybe you tend to think that everything depends on luck and circumstance, but in reality, most situations are predictable and can go the way you want them.

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