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среда, 14 ноября 2018 г.

The English Language

Comment on the Homer's words :)

Do you need English? 

9 комментариев:

  1. In a world of global sales and technologies alliances English is the most advantageous, isn`t it?

  2. Yes, I completely agree
    English is often called the international language of the business world, and to a greater extent this is true, because international trade every year expands its borders, involving more and more new countries. Many of the best management economics programs are written in English, so those who are fluent in this business language have every chance of getting the best training and prestigious certificates. Most multinational companies require their employees an excellent knowledge of English, so in order to get a position in a good company, more and more people are eager to learn English.
    Абужаева Лайла 1к 2гр СЭ

  3. Yes, I agree. English, without a doubt, can be considered a truly universal language. English is understood by specialists and educated people from all over the world. It is the language of world media, film, television, popular
    music and information technology. Many English words are familiar and understood by people all over the planet.
    Магомедова Зуля 1к 1 гр

  4. Yes,I agree
    Knowledge of English in the modern world is a kind of window into the world. Owning this language of international communication, you can achieve your goals with the help of new opportunities. And you will surely understand that the meaning of the English language is not exaggerated.
    Гаджиева Патя 1к 1ДПО

    1. We need English nowadays of course.English is the most popular language on the world.Knowledge of English helps to you enhance your chances to find a successful and well-paid job .I think that Engish unites people all over the world and end ensure to them ability to express their feelings and thoughts.English is spread in many areas of life such as television film media music.Enlish is the official language in a Organizaton of United natons .In the end I want to say that we can not deny importance and essential role of English in our life.

  5. I agree with you. English is the language of international communication. English is the language of business. All large businessmen wishing to enter the international market just need to know English at a high level. Knowledge of English gives an opportunity to study at prestigious foreign universities. All international competitions and conferences are held in English.English is also used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of Iran.Hundreds of books of magazines and Newspapers printed in English.At the moment, more than 350 million people speak English
    Кабардиева Элеонора 1к 1ДПО

  6. English is understood by specialists and educated people from all over the world. It is the language of world media, film, television, popular
    music and information technology. Many English words are familiar and understood by people all over the planet.
    Ибрагимова Зулейха
    1курс 1дбо

  7. Yes,I do.English is very important part in our life.If know English,you can speak with other people from all over the world.Knowing English is kind of the international maslihat.

    P.s. Kurban 1 dpo
