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понедельник, 10 декабря 2018 г.

Professions 2

Определите, является ли утверждение 
“Some jobs require physical activity”
верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not in text’).

Having a job can be fun, if it is a job that you like doing. Jobs have certain characteristics look at the nature of work, and the working conditions. There are some jobs where you sit or stand all day long, while others require a lot of physical activity. 

My brother likes working with computers, so he decided to work as a computer sales person. He loved his job as sales representative for Circuit City. A sales person assists customers in finding what they are looking for and tries to interest them in buying. Nature of a salesperson also requires patience and courtesy, especially when the work is repetitious and the customers are demanding. My brother is a person who loves to talk and make conversation with people.

I do not enjoy this job as my brother does, because I am not interested in computers. I am not a people person so this job is not for me. I like to do something and to play with tools and fix things. I prefer to work as a carpenter. Carpenters are involved in many different kinds of construction activity. They cut, fit, and assemble wood and other materials for the construction of buildings. Nature of work for a carpenter requires more independent work than interaction with a lot people.

понедельник, 3 декабря 2018 г.


Определите, является ли утверждение 
“The realistic view on future profession is very important”
 верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not in text’).

Most people spend a third of their lives at work and more time with their colleagues than with their families or friends. Therefore, it is important that people enjoy their work as much as possible: and enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

Choosing a profession is a whole process that begins with a dream and continues through education. In the life of every young person, there are always older people with a share of responsibility. Parents, friends and teachers can all have a big influence on a person's future choice of profession. 

When planning your future career, it is important to look at how realistic your choice is, to gather as much information as possible to have a full picture of what the job you want to do. Maybe you tend to think that everything depends on luck and circumstance, but in reality, most situations are predictable and can go the way you want them.

суббота, 17 ноября 2018 г.

Weekly Activities

Определите, является ли утверждение 
“The author always make dinner for himself and his wife cooks for the whole family”
 верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not stated’).

I wake up at 7am every morning. I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed. It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up on. My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. How do you do your hair in the morning?

After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm. After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I chill out on the sofa and watch television. On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes.
Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to go to the bathroom too.

If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning. The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.

среда, 14 ноября 2018 г.

The English Language

Comment on the Homer's words :)

Do you need English? 

Daily Activities at Home

Прочтите и определите, является ли утверждение
“The author is happy to prepare the homework with the parents” верным 
(впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not stated’).

1. Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o'clock. After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes me about 20 minutes from my house to my school. Usually, I study at school until 11:30 a.m. I return home at noon to have lunch with my family. In the afternoon I attend English and computer courses. I always get home just in time for dinner at 7:30 p.m. After dinner, while my parents are watching television in the living-room, I read books or prepare for school in my own room.

2. I am free at weekends. On Sunday mornings, I get up later than usual. Then I often go shopping downtown with my friends. Sometimes we go for a picnic in the countryside. On rainy Sundays, I stay at home reading books and listening to music.

3. I am quite happy with my daily activities.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2018 г.


Do you know the difference in using these verbs? Study a picture!

You do an exam. But there are no easy rules to follow. We always use do to describe indefinite activities, often with what,thinganythingnothing, etc and generally speaking we also use do to talk about duties, jobs or (leisure) activities. Look at the following examples:

  • 'What shall we do now?' 'You can do what you like. I'm going home!'
  • 'He didn't do anything. He just sat there.'
  • 'You expect me to do everything around the house. Well, I'm fed up!'
  • 'I did all my homework last night so tonight I'm going to do the housework.'
  • 'I did a lot of research and I think I did a good job on that essay. I did my best anyway.'
  • 'I intend to do lots of walking on holiday this year, and perhaps some bird-watching too.
We tend to use make when we are talking about constructing, creating or performing something. Study the following examples:
  • 'I made three suggestions and left it to him to make the final decision.'
  • 'I've made all the arrangements for the trip and I've madea great effort to get it all right.'
  • 'I'm afraid I'm going to have to make my excuses and leave.'
  • 'I have to make three phone calls.'

What about your last English test? Did you do it well?

For more practice choose do or make for the phrases below:

... the cleaning and the cooking
... a lasting impression (on someone)
... the shopping and the washing-up
... some serious work
... a lot of damage (to something)
... an announcement
... an application (e.g. for a driving test)
... a sound or a noise
.... one's hair or one's teeth
... a lot of harm rather than good
... business (with somebody)
... (somebody) a favour
.... love, not war
... a mess, a profit or a fortune
... fun of someone or a fool of someone

вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. I _____________ basketball with my friends last Sunday. ( play)
2. Tom __________home late yeaterday. ( come)
3. Nick _________a lot of ice cream when he was a little child.( eat)
4. Ann __________ a bike last year. ( ride)
5. My brother _________ French at school. (learn)
6. We ________________a lot last summer. (swim)
7. My friends __________a song at the concert . (sing)
8. They ___________ at the party yesterday. ( dance)
9. You ____________ me an hour ago.(phone)
10. My granny _________ in the country last summer. (stay)
11. We _____________ English at the lesson yesterday. (speak)
12. I ______________ a lot last year. ( travel)
13. My father ___________ in the armchair. (sit)
14. Ann___________ the best picture last month. (draw)
15. John ______________ to the swimming pool last year. (go)

суббота, 20 октября 2018 г.

My family

Определите, является ли утверждение 
“The author’s siblings are all married ” 
верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not stated’).

I have a large family. They are in Magelang. My family has ten people: my father, my mother, five sisters, two brothers, and me. My father has three brothers, and my mother has three sisters and one brother. All my uncles and aunts live in Jakarta, but my family lives in Magelang.

My father is 62 years old, and my mother is 54 years old. My father has a job at a post office. My mother doesn’t work now, but she was a teacher at a junior high school.

I have many cousins because my aunts and uncles are married. My sisters are married too, and they have many children. For example, my first sister is a doctor, and she has a child. My second sister is a dentist, and she has two children, one boy and one girl. My third sister is a teacher, and she has three children, two boys and one girl. My fourth and fifth sisters do not have any children because they have not got married.

суббота, 6 октября 2018 г.

My family

Определите, является ли утверждение 
“The Simpson is an ugly satire of the typical American family” верным 
(впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not in stated’).

The Simpsons, one of the longest running television shows in history, was created in 1987. It represents a satire of the typical American family that millions of people love to watch because they use humor to deal with their problems and face contemporary conflicts that people can actually relate to.

The Simpsons are a nuclear family; the father is the breadwinner and there is a caring mother that stays home and cooks and cleans. Homer, the father, works at a nuclear power plant in Springfield. They have three children Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, and they also have a dog. The creators of the Simpsons want to reflect the belief of what a modern American family is.

Every episode starts with Bart, the son, who writes on the chalkboard because he always does something wrong...Lisa, the daughter, usually plays a solo on the saxophone...Marge, the mom, does grocery shopping and leaves her baby at the checkout counter and Homer, the father, as a rule sleeps on the job. At the end of the day all the members of the family come home at the same time. They all race for the couch to watch their TV shows. Sounds familiar? I think we all can relate in some way with the Simpson family.

четверг, 20 сентября 2018 г.

Comfortable home

Определите, является ли утверждение 
“As home you may mean the house where you were brought up” 
верным (впечатайте ‘true’, ‘false’, ‘not stated’).


There is no place like home. Each one of us has the place, which brings back good memories, a place where you feel more comfortable than anywhere else. It may be a house from the past where you lived during childhood. It is the symbol of comfort and wellness, and relates to music, objects, colors, people, and dishes.
The concept of home has a very important position in some cultures. This word has very vast meaning. It reflects our values and beliefs that are followed by the family. Englishmen, for example, are particularly attached to their homes. A famous proverb “My house is my fortress” has quite a direct foundation – no one could arrest a person in his own house. Till now there is hardly any place where a person may feel more secure and protected from the dangers of the outer world.

Home plays such an important role in the culture of many nations of the world. As for international students home may have the meaning of geographical location, for example a city, town, or country. Only after moving out, changing the place of living the person begins to realize how deep the meaning of the word is, how important it is to keep relation to our home. In this case the proverb “East or West home is best” is really truthful. A home holds our family and cultural heritage. It is associated with a tree, which has deep roots.

среда, 13 июня 2018 г.


is the act of punishing someone or of being punished.
'I have no doubt that the man is guilty and that he deserves punishment.'
You can use punishment to refer to severe physical treatment of any kind.
'Don't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them.'
But do you know that the word 'punishment' can have plural in English? It is not like in Russian, where this word is used only in singular.
'The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.'

Read a joke with this word below :

A student is talking to his teacher.
The student says, “Would you punish me for something I didn’t do?”
The teacher replies, “Of course not!”
The student says, “Good, because I haven’t done my homework.”

пятница, 1 июня 2018 г.

Dagestan State University

Dagestan State University was founded in October, 1931 as the Teachers' Training Institute, and later, in 1957, it was transformed into Dagestan State University (DSU). During its formation and development the university has played a prominent role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the peoples of Dagestan as well as in the development of its scientific, technical, educational and artistic communities. Thereby, the University performed a historical mission in the life of the peoples of Dagestan and Russia.
Today DSU ranks as a major educational, scientific and cultural center which provides training at all levels of pre-university, university, postgraduate and further education in 59 specialties and degree programs for natural sciences, liberal arts and technical studies.
The University has an innovative academic, research and organizational structure that includes 17 faculties, 7 filial branches, 103 departments, 2 museums (historical and biological), a fundamental library containing more than 2.5 million volumes, a biological station and a planetarium. It also owns its own seaside recreation base, a sports complex, a clinic and students’ resort centre.
Extensive structure of the university’s scientific and innovative complex comprises the following:
• 4 Research Institutes (Research Institute of Biology, Research Institute of Socio-Economic and Ethno-Cultural Problems of the Peoples of Dagestan, Research Institute of Applied Ecology and Research Institute of Law);
• 9 Research and Educational Centres, of which 3 RECs (REC of Nanotechnology, REC of Plasma Physics and REC of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) have been granted the status of Federal Research and Educational Centres;
• 14 scientific and innovation centres including the Federal Multiple-Access Centre “Analytical Spectroscopy”, the Innovative Technological Centre and the Internet Centre;
• 14 basic research laboratories.
Within the university a number of scientific schools meeting high international standards have been formed. These scientific schools provide the base for training and comprise different forms of education such as specialization, postgraduate studies and doctorate. DSU is an advanced research centre with 70 subject areas for post-graduate studies and 18 subject areas for doctorate. There are 7 dissertation councils in Dagestan State University specializing in these areas of scientific research.
DSU team amounts to nearly 3,000 members made by academic staff and other employees. The University academic staff includes 1 member of the Russian Academy of Education, 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science, 11 members of branch academies, 216 professors and doctoral degree holders, 618 senior lecturers – holders of candidate degree, more than a hundred distinguished scientists and education workers of Russia and Dagestan. The total number of DSU students exceeds 20,000. At present nearly 600 DSU postgraduates are seeking candidate and doctoral degrees.
Dagestan State University is a leading University of North Caucasus Federal District for its extensive use and promotion of modern technologies in academic and scientific work as well as in management. It was first in Dagestan to open the Internet Centre and to introduce distance education.
Currently, much attention is being paid to innovation in the sphere of higher education, to creation of small enterprises and to the use of young researchers’ projects in small enterprises. All these measures are aimed at creating and marketing high-tech products.
Since 2010 Dagestan University has been carrying out the Innovative Infrastructure Development Program within the framework of the contest organized by the RF Government Decree № 219 of April 9, 2010.
Innovative infrastructure is created in order to provide modernization and development of education in the following:
•    perspectives and main directions of Russian long-term social and economic development;
•    working toward the top-priority goals of the national policy in the sphere of education;
•    integration of Russian education system into the international educational space;
•    better meeting of the citizens’ educational requirements.
In implementing the Innovative Infrastructure Development Program, in fact, a new model of the University’s innovation infrastructure is being formed, when around the classical structure consisting of departments and faculties a certain innovative belt is created. This belt is made of integrated scientific and educational institutions, innovation centers, including the Innovation and Technology Center and small innovative companies, established at the university. By this, DSU solves a triune task as it builds an innovative infrastructure, changes the contents and technology of education now focused on the production of innovative competencies and aims at creating an innovative product.
In 2012, Dagestan State University starts implementing Program of Strategic Development for the period of 2012-2016. This program is the winner of the contest held by Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The contest was announced in November 2011 and attended by 248 high schools which are under the general jurisdiction of Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
DSU's mission in modern conditions is to provide educational services in domestic and foreign educational space. The University considers modern education as a process that combines instruction, education, research and innovation. At the same time the university aims to develop its own intra-culture which will base on the socio-cultural values and traditions formed in DSU for its more than 80-year history. Aware of its great civil responsibility, the university fully contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining high proficiency, active citizenship and adherence to cultural values.
In implementing these objectives the university collaborates with leading Russian and world educational and scientific centers, including Dagestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science which signed several agreements on joint scientific and educational cooperation with DSU. Development of arts and sports as well as evolving students’ talents are important components of the youth’s humane education and intellectual development. Far beyond the borders of our country are known amateur artists from Dagestan University. Choreographic group "My Dagestan" and folk instruments orchestra were awarded the honorary title "People's Amateur Ensemble". The University is proud of its alumni, the team of KVN (Club of the Funny and Inventive) "Makhachkala tramps", whose members are in the national team of the CIS. Among our alumni are Olympic champions and prizewinners, world and European champions.
The University is full of plans and prospect for the future. It is aware of its place in Russian educational, scientific and cultural space and focuses its attention on satisfying the republic’s needs and contributing to solving the problem of national revival.

The English language

The English language has become a global language today, dominating the world’s trade, computers and media. It is the language of businesspeople and scientists, politicians and diplomats, sportsmen and singers, doctors and students, pilots and musicians.
Learning English helps in talking to people, reading and writing, in understanding foreign music and foreign films. It opens up much a wide range of sources of information.
English is a language of communication between different peoples and countries. If you are interested in science, business, medicine, literature, music and you want to be up-to-date with progress in those fields, you can always raed the latest report in English and know the latest information about the questions you are interesting. English is a global language.
The problems of the 21st century such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, demographics, democracy and many others cannot be solved if people don’t speak English. It goes without saying that knowledge of English language helps to make a person educated and well-rounded. It’s a way of getting to know different cultures. English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person.

понедельник, 28 мая 2018 г.

The UK education system

Here is a brief introduction to the education system in the UK, including primary schools, secondary schools and university preparation in the UK.

The British education system may seem bewildering at first glance, but it is based on long-lived traditions and follows a strict code of rules. Education principles differ slightly in the four countries which constitute the UK, so we will provide you with the basic information on school institutions.
Primary education in the UK
In England and Wales, the law states that all children aged five to sixteen must receive full-time education. In Northern Ireland, the compulsory age for starting school is four. For children under age of five, publicly-funded nurseries and pre-schools are available for a limited number of hours each week.

Children leave primary school at the age of eleven, moving on to secondary school. Parents can choose to educate their children at state or private schools. All children in the UK between the ages of five and sixteen are entitled to a free place at a state school, in contrast with the private education sector, where taxes are quite expensive.

A useful piece of advice is for all parents to apply to the school where they wish to enroll their child. Even if your child's current primary or nursery school is linked to the school you want them to attend next, you won't be considered for a place unless you apply. Making an early start means that you will be less likely to miss key deadlines. 

In the UK there are four main types of state schools. First is the community school, which is run by the local authority and has strong links with the local community, sometimes offering use of their facilities and providing services like childcare and adult learning classes.

There are also foundation and trust schools. Foundation schools are run by their own governing body, which employs the staff and sets the admissions criteria; while a trust school is a type of foundation school which forms a charitable trust with an outside partner. Voluntary-aided schools are mainly religious or 'faith' schools, although anyone can apply for a place. As with foundation schools, the governing body employs the staff and sets the admission criteria. Voluntary-controlled schools are similar to voluntary-aided schools, but are run by the local authority.
Secondary education in the UK
At the age of eleven, children start their secondary-school education. From the age of eleven to fourteen, students in British state and private schools study a broad range of 10-15 subjects. Among them are: English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art and Design, Music, Citizenship, Physical Education. Careers education and guidance, Sex and Relationship Education and Religious education may also be included in the education curriculum.

Secondary school graduation covers the period from age fourteen to fifteen. After this two-year period, students take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) state examinations. The GCSE is a single-subject examination, set and marked by independent examination boards. Students usually take up to ten (there is no upper or lower limit) GCSE examinations in different subjects, including mathematics and English language. After this examination, students may choose to either leave school or continue with their education. They may continue at vocational or technical colleges, or pursue higher education in a university.
University preparation in the UK
At the age of sixteen, following two years of study, students may take A-Levels (Advanced Level examinations) required for university entrance in the UK. Over these two years following secondary school education, students specialise in three or four subjects that are usually relevant to the degree subject they wish to follow at university.

At the end of the first year, students take AS level examinations. They continue with three or four of these subjects in the second year and convert them into full A level qualifications at the end of the year. A-Levels are state examinations and are recognised by all UK universities, and by institutions worldwide.

Schools in the UK do not generally rank pupils within their year; currently, the principal standards are the GCSE, SCE and AS and A-Level examination results.
18 Plus
Once a student has been through all the misadventures and hardship of compulsory education, it is time to decide his or her own fate. The first three years of a university education will be in an undergraduate degree programme. An undergraduate degree may be a BA (Bachelor of Arts), BEng (Bachelor of Engineering), and BSc (Bachelor of Science).

On completion, a student may also apply for a postgraduate programme and a PhD. What makes higher education so appealing is that -- unlike school -- students are at university or college because they want to be, learning more about a subject or job they really enjoy.

Choosing a university or college is an important decision, so examine all of the options. 

In addition to academic achievements at university, students also gain many social advantages. They will be involved in various out-of-school activities, find new friends and gain insight into future careers.

пятница, 25 мая 2018 г.

Ten things I wish I'd known before becoming a law student

From: www.theguardian.com

When choosing my degree, I was young, naive and full of false expectations. Here's what I've learnt

As a sixth form student choosing to do a law degree, I wish I'd have been better informed about what it's really like to be a law student. I was young, naive and full of false expectations. I hope that these ten things will be useful to those considering a law degree and that current law students can relate to them.

1. Career prospects

Law is a well respected degree but its graduate prospects are not as good as universities like to make out. Law firms and chambers have been reducing the number of training contracts and pupillages, with some firms cancelling their next trainee intake. Furthermore, a law degree does not guarantee riches. There is a stark contrast between the high earnings people think lawyers are paid and what they are actually paid. I'm sure that the Criminal Bar Association can verify this.

2. There's so much reading

I had some idea that there would be a lot of reading, but I had no idea that horror stories of law students spending all day and all night in the library were actually true. There is a LOT of reading. I once spent so much time in the library that I genuinely started to feel homesick. Be prepared to study long and hard hours as a law student.

3. Work hard, work smart, be organised

The workload becomes easier if you are well organised and focus on working efficiently. Planning ahead early and prioritising work over play avoids dreaded all-nighters. When reading, one should focus on the end goal: learning the law in order to apply it correctly in an exam. Shortcuts in reading may be made too: having an idea of a case's facts and legal principle mean that the case report may be read much more quickly with more focus on the key points. This is not something which is taught; rather I have had to learn this myself during my law degree.

4. Everyone will try to pawn free legal advice from you

If I had a pound for every time a friend has asked a legal question ... For some reason, people think that law students are overflowing fountains of legal knowledge to be tested at will. This is simply not the case. No, I do not know about the legal intricacies of internet libel law. No I can't help you get out of your mobile phone contract. No, I can't help you if you've killed a man! And even if you do give advice, be sure to add disclaimers.

5. Life revolves around your next tutorial or seminar

To start with, you will have lectures. Then you will be assigned reading to do, and answers to prepare for tutorials and seminars. I was unlucky enough to have tutors who would use tutorials as interrogation sessions to highlight your deficiencies in knowledge and understanding of the law. My motivation for those tutorials was avoiding the wrath of the tutor. In hindsight this method of teaching clearly worked. Smaller group teaching sessions are key opportunities to test your understanding and give structure to your learning. The more effort you put into them, the more you will learn.

6. Law school is intense

In your law school, you are always competing against your fellow students for the best grades. Some law schools mark using a bell curve, so that your grades directly depend on how the rest of the year performs. Some students become extremely defensive and do everything they can purely for personal gain at the expense of others. This is rare, but law school can be a bit like being on "The Apprentice" competing against others in a high pressure environment with backstabbing and drama!

7. Law books cost a fortune

I remember being shell-shocked at having spent over £140 on "essential textbooks" in my first year of university. To this day, the expense of law textbooks still hurts.

8. Did I really choose the right degree?

At some point during their degrees, when motivation levels are low, and the mountain of cases to read high, law students will question their choice. A law degree will stretch you to your limits and test your commitment. I know many students who have dropped out of law degrees unable to cope with the intensity. Don't make the decision over the choice of degree lightly. A law degree is a very expensive investment. In fact, some may be better off choosing a degree they enjoy at university in which they can gain better honours and then decide whether to commit to law and do the GDL.

9. The jump from A-Levels to law school

I thought I'd cope well with a law degree, having performed well at school. There's a good reason why the entry levels are so high at the top university law departments. During my law degree, I felt very stupid about 90% of the time during my readings, and would become disheartened by how much I didn't understand. Initially I was very upset at struggling to achieve only 60% (a 2:1) in my work, as opposed to over 90% at A-Level. This is relatively normal. The process of learning and understanding is different and takes some getting used to.

10. Social stereotypes of law students

Finally, a series of phrases you will have to get used to hearing. Get thinking of good responses.
"Oh, you're studying law? Maybe you can help me out someday if I get into trouble."
"Well, I see you've sold your soul to the devil for riches."
"How can you defend someone you know to be guilty? You lawyers are heartless and cold-blooded."