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среда, 13 апреля 2022 г.

The Seven Wonders of the World

  I .    Read the text.

                                  The Seven Wonders of the World

Of the seven celebrated creations of the ancient world known as The Seven Wonders of the World only the pyramids have survived.

In the 6th century B.C. Nebuchadnezzar [,nebjukəd'nezə] the king of Babylon, ordered to build beautiful gardens on the roof of his palace. These were the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They rose terrace upon terrace to a height of 64 metres and covered an area of 1,5 hectares. All sorts of trees and flowers were planted there. According to the story, these wonderful gardens were laid out to please a queen who came from a hilly country.

Next comes the statue of Zeus [zju:s], which was made by the famous sculptor Phidias

['fidiəs] for the temple in Olympia. Zeus - a gigantic figure, seven times lifesize - was seated on a golden throne decorated with precious stones. The fate of it is unknown.

The temple of Artemis ['a:timis] was erected in Ephesus ['efisis], a city in Asia Minor.

According to a legend, in 356 B.C. the temple was set on fire by Herostratus [hi'rɔstrətəs], who sought thereby to become famous. Some years later it was rebuilt. The new temple was all of white marble and filled with statues and works of art. Its columns were 20 metres in height, its length was 135 metres and its width 70 metres. It was destroyed by the Goths in the middle of the 3rd century A.D.

One of the Wonders has supplied by a widow's tender thought of her husband. Upon the

death of king Mausolos [mə'sɔ:les], who had reigned over a small ancient state in Asia

Minor, his queen ordered to erect a beautiful tomb known as the Mausoleum [,mɔ:səliəm]. It was 50 metres high and its pyramid-like top was surmounted by gigantic statues of Mausolos and his queen. At the beginning of the 15th century it was destroyed by the Crusaders.

The Colossus of Rhodes [roudz] had a short and inglorious history. A bronze statue of

the Greek sun god Helios ['hi:liəs] of about 35 metres in height, it was set up in 260 B.C. at the entrance to the harbour of Rhodes. Sixty years later it was overthrown by an earthquake.

The last of the Wonders was the Pharos ['fɛərəs] - the lighthouse of Alexandria

[,жlig'za:ndriə]. It was built late in the third century B.C. on the island of Pharos at the entrance to the harbour of Alexandria. For years the flames on its top guided the ships safely into the harbour of Alexandria. It was destroyed in an earthquak

II. Преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные и  поставьте 5 вопросов  к предложениям.

1. We are enjoying the party.

2. He will be playing chess in an hour.

3. They were planting flowers in the garden last May


1. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

to shine

  1. The sun … yesterday morning.
  2. The sun … brightly now.
  3. Tomorrow the sun … all day long.

to write

  1. I … a postcard at the moment.
  2. I … a postcard when you phoned.
  3. I … a lot of Christmas cards tomorrow evening.

to sit

  1. We … in the garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
  2. This time tomorrow we … in the garden.
  3. We … in the garden now.


2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.

  1. I … (study) Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.
  2. Listen! Why the dogs … (bark)?
  3. She … (wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.
  4. They … (take) their driving test next Monday.
  5. I dropped my wallet when I … (get) on the bus.
  6. What you … (do) in my office yesterday?
  7. Bob … (feel) much better today.
  8. The kids … (watch) cartoons in their room now.
  9. I’m afraid she … (sleep) in ten minutes.
  10. We … (have) tea soon?

воскресенье, 20 февраля 2022 г.

Употребление слов a few, a little; many, much, a lot of

The Primitive Community

The history of mankind begins with the primitive community. The appearance of new tools and new methods of labour led to the replacement of the human herd

by the clan. Several clans, that is communities, or related individuals formed a tribe. Both the tribe and the clan were governed by elders who were chosen for their life experience and knowledge. The human herd and the clan were two consecutive stages in the development of primitive society.

The related members of the clan jointly owned their hunting grounds and the lands which they tilled. They lived and worked together, and consumed in common the products of their labour. Since they lived together in groups, they could provide themselves with food and keep fires burning.

The primitive human herd possesses the simplest tools: a hand-axe, a digging stock and a wooden club. Thousands of years passed before stone tools were replaced by those made of metal (bronze, iron). When people invented the harpoon, they took up fishing. The invention of bows and arrows helped to start cattle-breeding, and axes made it possible to go over to farming.
In primitive society there was no private property, therefore there were no classes and no exploitation - that is, appropriation by the rich of the fruits of other men's labour. Since there were no classes, there was no state system, that is no armed forces, no prisons, no courts, no overseers, no government bodies.

2 a) Consult the text and find the English equivalents of the following:

Первобытная община, первобытное общество, человеческое стадо, род, племя, образовать племя, старейшины, орудия труда (металлические, бронзовые, железные, каменные), дубинка, лук, топор, стрела, мотыга, управлять, заниматься (охотой, рыбной ловлей, сельским хозяйством, разведением скота), выбирать, владеть, обеспечивать, изобретать, заменять, еда, огонь, совместно, сообща.

2 b) Sum up the contents of the text by answering the following questions.

1. What does the history of mankind begin with?
2. What led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan? 3. Who governed the clan?
4. What tools had the people?
5. What was their main occupation?
6. What was the structure of primitive society?

Урок 3. Времена группы Continuous. Английская грамматика

Причастие в английском: форма и употребление